Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Counter Weight Trebuchet Case Study


I would do a counterweight Trebuchet for this project.  I want to make it because it seems like a more simple one out of the few and it looks more likely to succeed rather them fail. It works  by using a counterweight a short distance from the pivot, to cause a powerful rotational motion which swings the sling up. I feel that my group would be able to create a very good trebuchet and may be able to add things to it to make it unique.

Case Study #1:

  • This case study gave us the dimensions that they had used.
  • They showed there entire process of what they did and how they did it. 
  • They have very good pictures of the materials and the final product
  • They showed a video of how it worked at the end.
  • It looks like it would be to big for us to make in the amount of time that we have.
  • They used things that we do not really have access to. 
  • They had a hard time building the firing mechanism, so we might have a difficult time with that ourselves

Case Study #2:

final day (53).JPG

  • It is a good case study because the people making it are also doing it for a high school project just like we are.
  • They give each individual measurement for each part.
  • They gave a step by step process of how they did it.
  • The trebuchet they made is more for golf ball and we might be using baseballs or lemons.
  • Most of the images they gave were diagrams and not really pictures of them actually building it.
  • It look a little small, we would have to make it a little bit bigger.

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