Thursday, January 30, 2014


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The point of the lab was to create a sculpture out of wood and a type of faciner.  We were trying to make the best sculpture possible out of what we could use.  We had mahbets and were trying to make a scultpure of a person out of magnets and wood. 
We were able to create the design that we had in mind.  Some problems that got in the way thougher were that the glue kept getting in the way of the magnets so they weren't as strong as we liked.  When it was standing up it was very top heavy.  It would stay up for a little while and then come crashing down. 
The peg group was most successful.  They were able to make a pyramid after.  They were able to create a standing pyramid that had very few problems.  it was a very nice design as well.  It was very sturdy as well.  We can use there ideas to try and make our project more sturdy 

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